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Chatlio is our 3rd party application that is used for live chats completely through our Slack workspace. We use the #live-chat channel to work with any potential live chats. The goal of using Chatlio is to not leave Slack and make it our primary place of communication. This increases productivity and helps assisting users quicker as we can just shoot questions instantly to staff and other students if there are any.

Contents of this Documentation:
1. Accessing the Live Chats and Replying to Users
2. Closing a Conversation/live chat
3. User Feedback
Slack Commands

Accessing the Live Chats and Replying to Users:

  1. Looking out for notifications:

Chatlio operates primarily using Slack channels. There is a main channel called #live-chat that will house all conversations started by users on our website.

Every conversation on the website begins by asking the user their name and email to help us better assist them. This information is auto populated when we are notified of their chat on the main channel as shown below.


Note :

  • The first name and last name are derived from “#z-firstName-lastName-3”
  • First Message: The user’s first message to begin the conversation.
  • If no one picks up a chat in the #live-chat channel there are notifications set for every 2 minutes to remind us that users are waiting in the queue.
  1. Picking up the conversations waiting in queue:

From the above screenshot, if we click “#z-firstName-lastName-3” a new channel will be created for this particular user and all messages we send on this channel will be directed to the user on their browser as shown below.

Hit Join Channel and you will be able to send messages.

Note: Please be cordial and formal with all conversations as our goal is to assist them as best as we can

Note: Please make sure to keep the user engaged with messages or updating them even if you are off to look for assistance to help them with their case as the chat will be automatically close if there is no activity from both sides for 10 minutes!

This is how the user would be viewing our conversation

Closing a Conversation/live chat:

After assisting the user the conversation can be closed. Closing a conversation implies that the channel created for them is automatically archived (not deleted) so that when the same user converses again with us the same channel is unarchived to give the team better context of history if need be. 

Note: Make sure to send a closing message before archiving the conversation.

Closing Messages:

There is currently a generic closing message that can be sent with a click of a button. Use the command /chatlio repliesto view all the saved replied and choose the appropriate one to send. Once you are comfortable with the generic replies and determine an appropriate time to use them then you can even use a shortcut to a reply and send to the user. Use /chatlio reply <shortcut name>

Trigger words such as “close”, “thank you”, “thanks”, “appreciate”, etc.

More saved replies can be added as per our team’s needs. Suggestions welcome!

There are three ways to close a conversation:

  • Type “/chatlio end” and chatlio’s bot on Slack will handle the rest by archiving the chat. (Official documentation)
  • Type “/leave” and Slack’s bot can help you archive the channel
  • Finally, the user can themselves end the chat thereby archiving the channel

You can go ahead and check the archived channels in a bit and you will find the channel present there

Chatlio bot does the rest if you give the right command

User Feedback:

After every conversation the user gets to give a thumbs up or a thumbs down to the conversation and type in their email again to send the transcript of the chat.

Use “/chatlio help” to look at the different commands. None of the bot commands will be seen by the user if used right. This command produces the below result

Helpful Commands that can be looked for below:

/chatlio info

/chatlio help

/chatlio end