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Dropbox Help

To share a file or folder with the Dropbox website:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click Files in the left column.
  3. Hover over the file or folder you’d like to share.
  4. Click Share.
  5. Type the email, name, or group of the person (or people) you’d like to share with.
  6. Click Share. They’ll receive an email with a link to the file or folder.

P.S: Documents can’t be shared using linkserv via Dropbox. To do so, copy the sharable link and then share the link using an external mailing app like Outlook or Gmail. IE, you cannot share files/folders to email aliases/lists.

Sharing Dropbox Folder with multiple user accounts on single computer

Sharing Dropbox Folder with multiple user accounts on single computer (Mac)

  1.  The Dropbox folder is simply a folder on the mac under the /Users/<username> of the primary user whose Dropbox account is to be shared.  E.g. /Users/<username>/Dropbox … for username bioadmin, the dropbox folder would typically be  /Users/bioadmin/Dropbox
  2. Share the Dropbox folder using the Sharing feature of System Preferences.
    1. Add the Dropbox folder or subfolders to the Shared folders list as shown below
    2. Select the Dropbox or other shared folder
    3. In the Users list, add the local users you want to grant access to as well as the particular access mode (Read Only/Read & Write)
  1. Login in as the user to whom access has been granted (e.g. testadmin in the above screenshot)
  2. Start Terminal & use this command to create a symbolic link to the shared folder: ln -s /Users/<folder_owner_username>/Dropbox <name you want to call it under this account>
    1. Examples:
      1. ln -s /Users/mlarbi/Dropbox /Users/testadmin/ml_dropbox
      2. ln -s /Users/mlarbi/Dropbox ~/ml_dropbox
  3. Because the folder is shared by the owner using System Preferences (step 2 above), it can also been viewed under Shared Folders in Finder.